On Tuesday, March 10, 2020 high school students involved in the BPA Club (Business , Professionals of America) gathered from all across the state of Montana for the award ceremony at the Billings Convention Center. They had spent the last two days competing in their various areas of expertise. My two sons, Elijah and Cullen, were part of a four person video production team that had worked countless hours this school year filming, editing, designing, and producing their video. Three of the four members of this team had worked tirelessly last year in 2019 to produce a high quality video and they walked away from state with 3rd place. This year, 2020, they were determined to take 1st or 2nd place and make it all the way to nationals. Guess what? They did! They were a bit shocked to hear first place and then their names announced. What an honor and now they were on their way to compete at nationals in Washington D.C. this May. Yes, this was what they'd worked so hard for - for a...
I agree Ellie! I'm done with the snow but it keeps on coming. This is April in Montana (: I like to cc ski and downhill with the snow. What about you?