(Olivia and Chloe)
Spring is a fun season for both me and my cat. We both view it differently. I'll start with my cat. First, her name is Chloe. Each day, she dreams that I will let her outside to frolic in the green grass and murder one or two or three birds, just like the good old days. Let me tell you, it got old of seeing feathers on our lawn- even worse was cleaning up the mess. You know, dead birds can't clean up after themselves. Chloe has a mind of her own. She expects someone will do what she says. Whatever that is. After I stopped releasing my cat to do as she pleased- kill animals, leave her messes on people's yards, (that includes dead animals) and trespass in backyards- I decided what she does want. TO GO OUTSIDE! It makes sense. Spring is when the birds, bunnies and mice like to tantalize the predator who can't kill them. My cat wants revenge. I think it's pure entertainment watching my cat tease a half-dead mouse or try to get high enough to catch a flying bird. BUT my neighbor asked us not to let her out any more.You probably are wondering, how is Spring a fun season for the cat that can't enjoy herself hunting animals that are practically kitty cat deserts anymore? I think it's fun for her to be so close to birds hopping around on our patio. She gets really excited to have the opportunity to spy on moving, feathery, flying, creatures-who can't see her! However, that is probably the only reason why. I can tell she wants to go outside again. I've kept her inside our house for the last three years, but occasionally she tries escape. She isn't used to being outside. She could get hit by a car, and I would rather not take the risk.
Anyway, I LOVE Spring because there is usually a change in weather after a cold winter. There aren't whole lot of mosquitoes out like in summer and the grass starts to turn green. The rain comes and makes the earth smell fresh and crisp. Each morning, I wake up to birds chirping. After school, my Spring time hobbies include tent building, walks, and hanging out in a tree. If Chloe stayed around our house outside, then she would do all the things I'd do. Instead she watches me have fun outside without her. April's fools and Easter are two of my favorite holidays that take place in spring. Thank you, Jesus, for Spring!
Olivia I love the pictures! Your cat is beautiful. What a fun and energetic piece on springtime and your cat. Your writing is descriptive and has your voice in it.