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Showing posts from March, 2020

Being in Quarantine

                                Nate's Blog                                               Being in quarantine has its advantages and disadvantages. For instance one good thing is that I have more time on my hands, but I can’t really spend time with my friends. One thing that keeps me occupied is watching movies that have been released early with my family and playing Xbox with my brother, but some movies and games got their release date pushed back. When I heard this I was disappointed because I was really looking forward to Jurassic world Dominion and an update for battlefront 2. Another good thing is that I can spend more time with my family.

Pros and cons of social distancing

    There are many pros and cons to social distancing. Some pros are getting  to stay in touch with friends even though you cant see them. You also have lots of time to be outside and go on hikes, I also like getting to hang out with family and play fun bored games.     Some cons of social distancing would be not getting to go to youth group and church, but at least we can watch church online, another con is not getting to see your friends, but again at least we can text or facetime them.These are a few of my thoughts on what some pros and cons are. Jayden

Finding Mercy

Have you ever been waiting a long time to get a pet of your own? So have I and I will share the story of when I got mine.   We drove to a local rancher’s place  and when we got there we were greeted by a dog barking and a friendly voice that said ‘Welcome!” Mrs. Kern showed us the pen where all of the yearling ewes were.  She had sorted out about 20 ewes for us to pick from. I chose an energetic white yearling that had orange eyelashes and orange spots down the side of her neck.  I named her Mercy. We then loaded Mercy along with my sister's sheep, Gwen, into the back of my Dad’s red F-15 0. We would head out shortly and drive 45 minutes back to our little farm, to a new home for these two sheep.  They were smarter than the other sheep that we had gotten last year and they laid down so they would not be so blown by the wind.  We got home and unloaded them out of the back of the truck . Dad had to back up to the ditch and we called them out. They ...

Silas's honest paragraph

                                                   The over used expression There is a word that I hear nearly 10 times a day. This word is the reason we are not meeting here today. Yes, I believe that it is a good idea to social distance, but why don’t we take our minds off of this pandemic for at least an hour. All I See is memes about this word. Yeah, you know what I’m talking about and that’s why I’ve decided not to say it. So far I’ve lasted 6 days without saying this word.   

Sunny Summer Days

Sunny Summer Days One sunny summer day at Saco, Grandpa Donni and I went on top of the hill to get an old ford tractor with an open cab and a hay rake to bring to the field to rake hay. It was a beautiful day, there wasn't even a single mosquito out. We hooked the hay rake up to the back of the tractor and Grandpa showed me how to shift and operate the tractor. . Grandpa told me, “before you get to the highway, go slow and look both ways before you cross, when you cross, shift into fifth gear. While you are driving to the field I’m going to get another outfit." (Outfit is grandpa’s way of saying vehicle). So once Grandpa started the tractor, I was off. When I crossed the highway, I shifted into fifth gear and I knew where I was going. The roads are all gravel and dirt. Whe n I was driving, there was a turn off and I stopped and thought this doesn’t look like the right road, so I kept going. After I was driving for a while longer I looked back to see if Grandpa was flowing m...

Motorcycle Mischief

                                               I'm writing this story about my dad because I thought it was funny and very clever. When my dad was about six years old, he and his older brother (my uncle) played a trick on their mother (my grandma) by using a mini Honda motorcycle. My dad wasn't allowed to ride the motorcycle because he was to young. When his mom was washing dishes, they knew she would be looking out the sink's window. They turned on the motorcycle behind the house, put it in neutral and my dad's brother gave him a strong push so it looked like he was riding the motorcycle past the window his mom was looking out. Grandma definitely saw him riding the motorcycle (as so it seemed) and raced out the door yelling, "Jeffrey! Get off that motorcycle right now!" Dad and his brother started laughing as they explained to her that it was a trick and that the m...

Corona Virus Upends our State

On Tuesday, March 10, 2020 high school students involved in the BPA Club (Business , Professionals of America) gathered from all across the state of Montana for the award ceremony at the Billings Convention Center. They had spent the last two days competing in their various areas of expertise. My two sons, Elijah and Cullen, were part of a four person video production team that had worked countless hours this school year filming, editing, designing, and producing their video. Three of the four members of this team had worked tirelessly last year in 2019 to produce a high quality video and they walked away from state with 3rd place. This year, 2020, they were determined to take 1st or 2nd place and make it all the way to nationals. Guess what? They did! They were a bit shocked to hear first place and then their names announced. What an honor and now they were on their way to compete at nationals in Washington D.C. this May. Yes, this was what they'd worked so hard for - for a...